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Laboratory Supplies
Ball Clasps, Silver Solders, Expansion Screws, Retainer Wire ...

LED Lights, Batteries and Cases

Standard (35 gram) and Fly-Weight (11 gram) LED Lights and Battery Packs



Preformed, Short Kobayashi, Kobayashi Ligature Hooks, Short Preformed

Light Cure(d) Products

Core Build-Up, Wax, Dentin Bonding, Enamel Bonding, Composite Seal, Anterior/Posterior Composite, Pit & Fissure Sealant, etc

Lingual Sheaths

LOGIC LGI 3.5 Prosthetics

Healing Caps, Over-Denture Ball Attachments, Abutments, Impression Transfers, Analogs

LOGIC LGI 4.3 & 5.0 Prosthetics

Healing Caps, Over-Denture Ball Attachments, Abutments, Impression Transfers, Analogs

Logic Plus Prosthetics

LOGIC PLUS Tapered Thread LGI

•  Platform Switching Implant - One Prosthetic System for all Implant Diameters Ø 3.50 mm, Ø 4.30 mm, Ø 5.0 mm and Ø 6.0 mm.
•  Ultra Short 6 mm Implants in Ø 4.30 mm, Ø 5.0 mm and Ø 6.0 mm
•  Internal Hex Connection
•  Tapered Titanium Implant
•  Integrated Surface™  Sand Blasted & Etched
•  Includes Titanium 1st Stage Cover Screw and Mount used for Impression Coping
•  Includes Detailed Instructions for Implant Placement
•  As Low as $95.00 Each (When you buy 12 or more)

LOGIC Tapered Thread LGI

• Self Tapping Bone Condensing Implant - Superb for Maxilla
• Pure Titanium Integrated Surface™ Thread
• Internal Taper and Hexagon
• Pre-Mounted Ø 3.50 mm, Ø 4.30 mm, or Ø 5.00 mm
• Includes Detailed Instructions for Implant Placement
• As Low as $79.00 Each (When you buy 12 or more)

Lumo Neon Glow Powder

The Original "Glow In The Dark" retainer polymer



Labial and Palatal Impacted Cuspid Model with Gold Buttons and Chain

Lance Drill, 1.5 mm Diameter

Light Wire Plier

Light Wire Plier, Carbide Inserted Cutters

Large Cutter, Carbide Inserted

Light Wire Pliers

Lingual Arch Plier

Lingual Sheaths, Cast, Horizontal, Left, 10 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Cast, Horizontal, Left, 100 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Cast, Horizontal, Right, 10 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Cast, Horizontal, Right, 100 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Cast, Vertical, Left, 10 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Cast, Vertical, Left, 100 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Cast, Vertical, Right, 10 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Cast, Vertical, Right, 100 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Folded, Universal, 10 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Folded, Universal, 100 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Folded, Universal, Left, Hook, 10 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Folded, Universal, Left, Hook, 100 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Folded, Universal, Right, Hook, 10 Pack

Lingual Sheaths, Folded, Universal, Right, Hook, 100 Pack

Lip Bumper with Cuspid Hooks, Single

Lip Bumper, Single


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