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Removable Appliance Screws, Bilateral
BILATERAL: Six fine quality totally stainless steel expansion screws for all acrylic removable appliances at terrific prices.

Retainer and Arch Wire

Orthodontic/Dental Wire, Retainer Wire in Steel, Brass, Gold, Niti (Nickel-Titanium), Steel Wire by Pound, Steel Wire by Lengths

Retainer Cases

Regular, Scented, Gold Glitter, Neon, Glow-In-The-Dark, 10, 100 and 1000 Bulk Packs ...

Retainer Plastic

• Vacuum formed perfect retainer ready in minutes.

Retraction Cords and Gels

Braided Retraction Cord, Aluminum Chloride, and Ferric Sulfate



Rapid Palatal Expansion Screw

Rapid Palatal Split Model with Appliance

Retainer/Arch Wire, Super Elastic Nickel-Titanium, 15' Spool

Retainer Wire, Stainless Steel, 500 gram Spool

Retainer Wire, Stainless Steel, 50 gram Spool

Removable Appliance Screw, Bilateral, Mini Purple (6.5 mm)

Removable Appliance Screw, Bilateral, Mini White (7 mm)

Removable Appliance Screw, Bilateral, Standard Upper Blue (7 mm)

Removable Appliance Screw, Bilateral, Universal Extra Large Beige (11 mm)

Removable Appliance Screw, Bilateral, Universal Large Green (9 mm)

Removable Appliance Screw, Bilateral, Universal Medium Pink (7 mm)

Removable Teeth, Class I, Articulated

Removable Teeth, Class I, Articulated, Large

Rotation Wedge, Tie-On, Tube of 10

Round Scalpel Handle


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