Education Models

Appliance Typodonts

Appliance Typodonts

Ideal For Case Presentation - Beautiful plastic typodont articulated with posterior hinge.

Class I - Removable Teeth Models

Class I - Removable Teeth Models

• To build typodont models for Crown and Bridge and Partial Denture construction.
• Flexible Polyurethane Base

Ideal Occlusion and Orthodontic Malocclusion Models

Ideal Occlusion and Orthodontic Malocclusion Models

A series of six models that illustrate the Angle Classifications of Malocclusion plus the goal of an Ideal Class I.

Pedodontic Development

Pedodontic Development

Pedodontic Development Models

A series of three models (ages 5, 7 and 10) that demonstrate the complete transition from deciduous to adult dentition.

Labial and Palatal Impacted Cuspid Model with Gold Buttons and Chain

Labial and Palatal Impacted Cuspid Model with Gold Buttons and Chain

Product ID: 840-121
Impacted Cuspid Model clearly shows why and how surgery and ortho procedures are performed.

Price: $245.00


Rapid Palatal Split Model with Appliance

Rapid Palatal Split Model with Appliance

Product ID: 840-170
Rapid Palatal Split Appliance:
1. Visually shows crossbite and its skeletal correction.
2. Teaches expansion screw technique.
3. Allows person doing expansion to practice on model.

Price: $290.00


Space Maintainer Appliance Model

Space Maintainer Appliance Model

Product ID: 840-171
The transparent bases with the succedaneous teeth demonstrates the need to hold space for unerupted teeth.

Price: $210.00
