For Information Regarding Discounts, Free Items and Specials, See Abour Our Discounts Page.
Error Appears While Using the Cart / Cart "Crashes"
The shopping cart session expires if there is no activity for two hours. Errors will occur if the cart session is continued once expired.
It is also possible that you have encountered a yet unknown bug, or there is an unexpected malfunction on the website server. Website "errors" are automatically logged and generate an automatic email to the site administrator.
Additionally, our cart is not currently optimized for hand-held devices such as phones, pods and pads. If you are viewing this page on a handheld device, it may appear unreadable.
Do I Have To Order One-Item-At-A-Time?
Through the online shopping cart, yes. If you have a list of item numbers ready (say, from a previous order), it may be easier to email or fax it in. Since the online cart is still a new feature, most of our orders are still received offline, so feel free to phone, fax or email in a "handmade" or a list-type order.
Shipping Cost is Different on Final Invoice
Shipping costs cannot be known until the filled, sealed package arrives at the postage & weigh station, so the shopping cart shipping totals are initially estimated as an average rate, based soley on the order total (not the weight or destination).
If the shipping cost is less than the initial estimate, the difference is refunded. If the shipping cost is greater than the initial estimate, a second charge will be issued for the difference.
Online Pricing is Different from (PDF or Mailer) Catalog Pricing
Due to fluctuations in economy, prices for materials (especially precious metals) may suddenly change, causing our product pricing to change. Because of this, our company policy is that prices are subject to change without notice. When a price changes, the new price appears in the PDF Catalog first, then in the shopping cart as items and pricing are updated to reflect the Catalog change. Due to the large number of products, some of the cart prices may be outdated, so please do notify us if you find a price difference -- we would like to know about it and correct it.
Cannot Find Product By Item Number Search
Since our products often come in a variety of sizes, colors/flavors, up/down/left/rightness, etc, the item number may be displayed with variables (such as "s" for size or "c" for color). If you cannot find a cart item by using the item number, you can still search the online PDF Catalog. Click on "PDF Catalogs" on the left of the screen, open or download the catalog, and search the text for your item number.
It is also possible to search our catalog using Google & Google Docs (see PDF Catalog pages for link info).
Cannot Find Product By Name (or by item number)
The Orthosource catalog lists over 10,000 products. Not all of the products have yet made it into our online database (for instance, the Endodontic section). Please order unavailable items separately using either email or a faxable form.
Also See our Contact Us Page.
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